Upskill 提供可穿戴技术,将动手操作的工人从工厂连接到仓库再到工地。其强大的平台 Skylight 将工业劳动力与他们以更高效率和更少错误完成工作所需的人员、流程、信息和设备连接起来,让他们腾出双手专注于手头的任务和工具。对于在竞争激烈的全球市场中希望提高生产力、提高质量、降低成本、培训新员工、保留部落知识并为进一步投资提供坚实基础的组织而言,未来始于 Upskill。
Upskill的技术栈描绘了Upskill在平台即服务 (paas), 分析与建模, 网络与连接, 和 可穿戴设备等物联网技术方面的实践。
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Case Study
Boeing Cuts Production Time by 25% with Skylight on Glass
130 miles of wiring go into every new Boeing 747-8 Freighter, tucked away overhead and underfoot from the cockpit to the wheel wells.Every Boeing aircraft, from the workhorse 737 to the new 787 Dreamliner, has multiple configurations, each with its own wiring scheme. In past years, technicians used “phone books” full of diagrams to do their work. Even with laptops, the same basic problem arised: constant look-away interruptions as workers got directions and cross-checked diagrams and schematics.
Case Study
Getting the Torque Just Right Could Save Millions for Aerospace Companies
GE Aviation loses millions of dollars each year to errors made at key points during the assembly and overhaul of its engines. The costs show up in lost productivity, delays in testing, delays in customer deliveries, and the man-hours required to troubleshoot and correct faults. If errors arenʼt detected until after the engines are sent to customers, the repair costs exponentially increase.B-nuts are one such key manufacturing point. They play a critical role in aircraft engine fluid lines and hoses, providing a sturdy, reliable seal―but only if tightened and torqued properly. If not torqued properly, there will be a need for a maintenance do-over, cancelled flight, or even an in-flight shut down.
Aras Corp
Our extensive out-of-the-box functionality and modern web-based, cloud-ready architecture enable you to deploy quickly and continuously enhance your PLM environment in a fraction of the time required by conventional enterprise PLM / PDM systems and at a total cost of ownership far below that of any leading competitor.
Augment is an Augmented Reality SaaS platform that allows users to visualize their products in 3D in real environment and in real-time through tablets or smartphones. The software can be used for Retail, E-Commerce, architecture, and other purposes.Augment created a mobile app of the same name, used to visualize 3D models in Augmented Reality and a web application called Augment Manager for 3D content management.Aaugment's SDK solutions, available for both native mobile app and web integrations, allow companies to embed Augmented Reality product visualization in their existing eCommerce platforms.
The Gray Bear
The Gray Bear is a one-stop solution for all your digital product design and development requirements. We are a US-based IT service and consulting agency offering end-to-end solutions for websites, mobile applications, desktop apps, games, and other trending technologies.We hold expertise in understanding, planning, designing, programming, testing, and launching innovative and cost-effective solutions that guarantee business growth. In our 8+ years of experience, we have partnered with globally leading companies and businesses and assisted them in achieving digital success with our state-of-the-art solutions. Our new-age and innovative digital solutions are curated with an individualistic approach and are developed keeping future trends in mind. The Gray Bear's vast team of 85+ technology experts holds hands-on experience with the paradigms of different industries and is capable of crafting tailor-made solutions for your business's unique requirements. This has enabled us to become a standard among IT service companies and have a remarkable retention rate. Our team utilizes the most optimum and high-quality resources while creating your digital products and ensures that they add value to your current business while creating scope for new opportunities. Transparent communication, flexible work models, a high on-time delivery record, vast technology expertise, and an agile programming approach make us the top IT service company across the globe. Do you have a business idea in mind but don't know where to start from? Contact us today for a free consultation with our experts, and discover new opportunities for your business.