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Case Studies
Case Studies
Automated Slab Tracking at ThyssenKrupp
Automated Slab Tracking at ThyssenKrupp
Steel slabs usually weigh between 20 to 40 tons each. After production, the surface is scaly and rusty. Outdoor storage and sea shipment expose the slabs to rough conditions. Loading ocean vessels is time consuming and total cost can easily exceed a few hundred thousand USD.RFID technology offers many benefits. RFID transponders are small, store the identity of the labelled product and enable readingout this data via antennas from a distance of several metres. However, there are special requirements for the use of RFID in thesteel sector. Firstly, the radio waves of the RFID readers are reflected by metal which creates major problems for reading out.And secondly, they must be attached securely as the heavy slabs weigh tons and can rub against each other during the transporton ships and trains, causing the labels to become detached or to be destroyed.
Enlightened energy efficiency at Zumtobel
Enlightened energy efficiency at Zumtobel
Several years ago, Zumtobel started a new measurement project. The aim of this project was to profit financially through a sustained program of energy efficiency while simultaneously protecting the environment. Zumtobel was looking for a clear visualization solution well-suited to facility management. The aim was to measure not only energy data on electric meters, but to collect and save data from the whole facility for later analysis.
Smart Transportation at Boyaca using Carriots
Smart Transportation at Boyaca using Carriots
The fulfillment of time schedules in each node is a key element of the Quality of Service and late delivery results in significant extra costs (second deliveries). Boyacá did not know the real time at which deliveries took place, they just had what was reported by the receiver and the carrier, and both were not necessarily coincident. To receive and handle this inaccurate information, they had in addition to make phone calls. When deliveries were done out of time, the company had no control over the point at which the delay had taken place and therefore could not manage to improve accuracy. In addition, the clients were unsatisfied and complained as they also lost sales due to late deliveries. The company needed to have direct real-time information of arrival and departure times at each one of the hubs of the distribution chain to control costs with the lowest possible investment in spite of the large number of vehicles involved (several hundred).
AT&T is the second largest provider of mobile telephone and the largest provider of fixed telephone in the United States, and also provides broadband subscription television services. The company's corporate, government, and public sector clients use its conferencing, managed network, and wholesale communications services.


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