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Case Studies
Case Studies
Streamlining Inventory Management: A Case Study on Green Beacon Brewing
Green Beacon Brewing, a Queensland brewery and Brewpub, was facing significant challenges in managing its production, inventory, sales, and distribution across two manufacturing sites in Brisbane. The company was unable to accurately track its raw materials, leading to frequent over-ordering. The locations of finished goods were not clearly identified, and the costing of inventory was largely based on guesswork. Furthermore, distribution was a manual process heavily reliant on paper trails, making it inefficient and prone to errors. The company was in dire need of an inventory system that could address these issues and streamline its operations.
Crafting Compliance: New Belgium Brewing Co.'s Innovative IoT Solution
New Belgium Brewing Co., a prominent craft beer company in the US, faced a significant challenge when California passed the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in 2018. The law included provisions that required out-of-state companies, like New Belgium Brewing, to comply with privacy regulations for California consumers. The specifics of the compliance requirements were not available until July 2019, leaving the company with only five months to develop a compliance system by the law’s deadline in December 2019. Failure to meet this deadline could have resulted in substantial fines. The company needed to devise an accurate, standardized method to respond to privacy requests from California residents swiftly and efficiently.
Workflow Automation Enhances New Belgium Brewing Co.'s Beer Release Processes
New Belgium Brewing Co., a leading craft brewer in the United States, faced significant challenges as it expanded from producing five beers a year to over 30. The company's existing communication and planning methods, which relied heavily on email, meetings, and SharePoint, were proving inadequate for the increased scale of operations. The brewery was concerned about potential communication gaps and missed details that could hinder its success. The process of launching a new beer involved multiple departments, dozens of employees, and several processes, making it a complex task. The company's reliance on email communication and SharePoint to track tasks was slowing down the launch schedule, a risk the company could not afford in a competitive market with new breweries opening every year.

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