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Wikitude is a mobile Augmented Reality (AR) technology provider based in Salzburg, Austria. Founded in 2008, Wikitude initially focused on providing location-based Augmented Reality experiences through the Wikitude World Browser App. In 2012, the company restructured its proposition by launching the Wikitude SDK, a development framework utilizing image recognition and Tracking, and geolocation technologies.The Wikitude SDK is the company's core product. First launched in October 2008, the SDK includes image recognition & Tracking, 3D model rendering, video overlay, location based AR, and SLAM technology (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) which enables object recognition and Tracking, as well as markerless instant Tracking. The cross platform SDK is available for Android and iOS operating systems, and is optimized for several smart eyewear devices.The Wikitude app was the first publicly available application that used a location-based approach to Augmented Reality.Its fully in-house developed AR technology is available through its SDK, Cloud Recognition and Studio products enabling brands, agencies and developers to achieve their AR goals. With about 100,000 registered developer accounts, Wikitude has grown to be the world’s leading independent AR platform. The Wikitude SDK is an integral part of more than 20,000 apps run by both small enterprises as well as many Fortune 100 companies across multiple industries.

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