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Guides Technology A Supply Chain Manager’s Guide to the Internet of Things

A Supply Chain Manager’s Guide to the Internet of Things

Published on 05/29/2017 | Technology

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Accelerating the Adoption of Industrial Internet of Things.


From supply chain to supply network

Today’s global, interconnected business environment demands accountability across every step of the supply chain. As a manager, your job has expanded to include real-time management of goods, vendors, employees, and equipment. The timely arrival of goods is only part of the equation.

When organized and analyzed, this new world of Big Data, constant intelligence, and up-to-the-millisecond information becomes a company’s competitive advantage – a supply network, not just a supply chain. The supply network never stops.

It evolves constantly based on your business needs. Thanks to the Internet of Things, the intelligence unlocked from inside your supply network helps identify your company’s biggest operational needs.

Your company relies on you to gather, analyze, use, and protect this data. You have to deliver.

The IoT supply network partner you choose today will directly impact the success of your business tomorrow.


You can read and download the original report here.

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